Shop The LEXMARK GoLine Black Toner B235000 STD is a high-quality printing solution designed for various Lexmark printers.

The LEXMARK GoLine Black Toner B235000 STD is a high-quality printing solution designed for various Lexmark printers.


The LEXMARK GOLINE Black Toner B235000 STD is apt for small to medium-sized businesses with regular printing needs, offering both efficiency and quality.

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    The LEXMARK GOLINE BLACK TONER B235000 STD is a high-quality printing solution designed for various Lexmark printers. is a high-quality printing solution designed for various Lexmark printers.It is particularly suitable for small to medium-sized businesses with regular printing needs, offering both efficiency and quality.


    1. Product Compatibility: This black toner cartridge is compatible with select Lexmark printers, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance.
    2. Standard Page Yield: Engineered for standard page yield, this cartridge provides a balanced combination of efficiency and cost-effectiveness, making it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses with regular printing needs.
    3. Quality Output: The black toner is formulated to deliver sharp, clear text and high-quality graphics. It ensures professional-grade prints for various documents, from text-heavy reports to detailed graphics.
    4. Reliability: Lexmark is known for producing reliable printing solutions, and this toner cartridge is no exception. It’s engineered to provide consistent performance, reducing the likelihood of printing disruptions.
    5. Ease of Use: Installation of the cartridge is typically straightforward, ensuring a hassle-free replacement process.

